#Wearyourownconfidence - Happy Women’s Day
We all have insecurities, whether they're related to our appearance or personality. If you can identify them, you can work on removing them from your life. Here are some ways that women can build confidence:
It's important to remember that confidence is a learned trait
Confidence is not something you are born with. It is something that you learn over time and through experience. Confidence can be improved by taking risks and making mistakes, which helps us grow as people and learn from our mistakes. Confidence also comes from learning how to accept criticism, which allows us to see ourselves as capable of achieving great things despite past failures or negative experiences (even though this may not always be the case).
It's important to remember that confidence isn't just about having an opinion on things; it's also about being able to back up those opinions with facts from your life experience so that other people will take notice of what you're saying instead of dismissing them as noise without merit
Women are often taught that they have to be quiet and inoffensive to be considered successful
Women are often taught that they have to be quiet and inoffensive to be considered successful. This means that they should not offend, upset, or start any kind of controversy. The result? Women end up being so polite that they forget how powerful they could be if they just spoke up more often!
Women can also get caught up in the idea that it's better for everyone if we don't make waves. For example, when someone makes a joke about another person's race or gender--and it goes over well at first--we might feel embarrassed about saying anything back because we think our opinion will offend someone else by disagreeing with them. But what if instead of worrying about offending others (or even ourselves), we just listen carefully before making our own judgments? That way you can learn from other people's experiences without feeling like you need to agree with everything anyone says or does."
You learn confidence from your friends, family and mentors
- Having a strong support system is important. It can be difficult to feel confident if you don't have people who believe in you and want to see you succeed.
- You should make friends with the right people, such as those who are supportive of your goals, have similar interests or have similar experiences as you do.
- A mentor can teach us how to become more confident by giving us advice or telling us stories about their own experiences with confidence issues or triumphs over challenges they faced in life (or work).
It's important to get comfortable with being publicly ambitious and excelling at something
It's important to get comfortable with being publicly ambitious and excelling at something. If you are confident in your ability to do something, then you'll be able to show off your skills without feeling like a fraud or a failure. You don't need everyone else's approval of what you're doing or how well you're doing it, but rather just own up to it.
It can be intimidating for some women when they try new things and have success at them; however, this is often because their confidence has waned over time or due to other events that occurred during their lives (such as being bullied). The key here is recognizing that there will always be people out there who will judge us based on our appearance or gender--but if we stay true to ourselves and believe in ourselves no matter what others may say about us--then we will find success!
Talking about what you're good at helps you feel confident about who you are as a person
Talking about your strengths and weaknesses is a great way to build confidence. You can do this in person, on the phone, or even through email.
For example Last week I was talking with my girlfriend about how much she's improved at playing the piano since we started dating. When she mentioned that she had always been terrible at math (she was in middle school when I met her), I told her that although I'm not very good at math either--I understand it well enough that I can teach myself--if someone else needs help learning something new, then they should ask me instead of trying to figure out how best to explain it themselves.
My example shows that while we may be similar in some ways (we both love music), there are also some ways where our interests differ; therefore my interest in helping others learn new skills will make me feel more confident about who I am as an individual than hers would if she were trying hard enough just because everyone else around her seemed so capable!
Learning how to spot compliments from real criticism will help you become more confident.
Learning how to spot compliments from real criticism will help you become more confident.
- Real criticism is valid and can help you improve.
- Real criticism is not personal, so it's not a personal attack or insult.
- Real criticism is not a put down, so it doesn't feel like an insult when someone points out your flaws or gives constructive feedback about them (even if they are harsh).
- And finally, real criticism is not snide remarks like "I don't think your outfit looks good on you." Instead of saying something mean like this person might say when really upset with themselves for making such an ugly comment right after complimenting their friend on their new haircut/makeup look...
We all have insecurities that affect our confidence. If you can identify them, you can work on removing them from your life
- Identify your insecurities.
- Remove them from your life.
- Replace them with positive thoughts.
Knowing how to build confidence takes practice, but it is possible if you take small steps every day
Confidence is a learned trait. It's not about being perfect, but rather about taking risks and learning from your mistakes.
To build confidence, you need to take small steps every day that help you feel more confident in your abilities and abilities' potential. You can do this by:
- Taking on new challenges that challenge the way you think or act (e.g., trying something new)
- Learning from past experiences (what didn't work out) and applying those lessons in future situations; or even just reflecting on them when things don't go well so as not to repeat them again!
The most important thing to remember is that confidence is something that can be learned. It takes time, practice and effort—but with the right attitude, it's not impossible! Confidence is definitely a learned trait, and it's important for women to recognize that they have the power to be confident and successful. Having a strong support system and learning from mentors can also be helpful in building confidence. This Women's Day. let's pledge to support all women around us and help them building their confidence. #Werayourownconfidence