What is the correct way of Popping Blackheads? How to prevent them?

What is the correct way of Popping Blackheads? How to prevent them?

Unless you have genetically immaculate skin that has never been exposed to dirt and grease, you've probably had a close encounter with a blackhead or two. Blackheads, an acne type, are caused by clogging of hair follicles in your skin. It's easy to want to squeeze out a blackhead and move on with your life when you see one.

We've all been there: you wash your face, pat it dry, and look in the mirror, only to find a cluster of blackheads on the tip of your nose. The strong bathroom light emphasizes their heinousness. You scream in disgust. All you have to do is get your tools - your fingernails - and start popping.

Squeezing a blackhead, on the other hand, usually exposes Pandora's box of other problems.

Why do we Get Blackheads?

"We all have pores, and blackheads occur when those pores become clogged with dirt, oil, or dead skin cells." They seem black because the oils in them have all oxidized. The black substance is oxidized oil, not dirt."

Do-it-yourself Popping Blackhead Can Backfire

Squeezing blackheads and other acne lesions may appear straightforward, but there is an art to doing it correctly. A suitable method is required to avoid:

  • Permanent scars
  • More noticeable
  • More Painful

When you pop blackheads at home, you may experience these unpleasant side effects. When you push part of the contents of the pimple deeper into the skin, you enhance irritation. This can result in more visible acne. Acne scars and soreness might occur in some persons.

When you pop blackheads on your own, you risk contracting an illness from the bacteria on your hands.

How to Identify Blackheads?

Blackheads may not be seen on the bridge of your nose or on the sides of your cheeks. While blackheads definitely affect your hair follicles, occasionally clogged pores and follicles are just more evident due to oil buildup.

If oil buildup is the problem, you risk hurting your skin by attempting to remove a blockage that does not exist. Popping a blackhead that's really simply oil buildup won't help because the oil will usually return.

When you try to force a pore blockage out, you risk causing skin injury and infection. However, unlike other types of pimples, blackheads are open pores and so less dangerous to pop.

If you're certain you have a clogged hair follicle and are persuaded you can't resist popping it, there are safer alternatives. This article will explain how to safely pop a blackhead.

Dermatologists know How to Pop Blackheads Safely

Different techniques are used by dermatologists to treat acne physically. Blackhead extraction is one technique that eliminates blackheads and whiteheads by using sterile tools.
Blackhead extraction is frequently advised when other treatments are ineffective at cleaning the skin. Due of the time and potential expense, it is rarely chosen as the first option.
When carried out by a dermatologist, blackhead extraction is a secure method of getting rid of both blackheads and whiteheads.
A deep, painful blackhead cyst or nodule can also be removed by dermatologists using a different treatment. To accomplish this, a dermatologist will inject a corticosteroid into the lesion. This speeds up healing and reduces the need for probability of scarring.

How to Pop a Blackhead Correctly?

Spend some time in a warm shower or bath before eliminating a blackhead. Steam can help your pores relax, and the blockage will begin to dissolve on its own.

Follow these instructions once you're ready to set your pore-free:

  • Please clean your hands. This is crucial for preventing infection on your dermis, the layer of your skin where bacteria can readily become lodged. If you have plastic or latex gloves, you should put them on.
  • Put pressure on the plugged pore. Use a tissue or clean cotton ball as a barrier between your hands and the blackhead, if it is necessary.
  • Back and forth around the plugged pore with your fingers. Keep in mind that you're attempting to remove a complete blockage consisting of dried oil and dead skin cells. You may need to use different pressure levels and placement of fingers. Don't apply too much pressure that you cut or damage your skin.
  • Feel the clog emerge. If you are unable to clear the obstruction using these techniques, you might need to wait until your skin has healed before trying again.
  • Use a mild astringent or toner to clean the area. This will eliminate hazardous germs while also keeping your pores clear of the debris that created the blackhead.

How to prevent blackheads?

You can avoid having to manually extract blackheads by being vigilant about blackhead prevention and skin maintenance. Take into account the following strategies for managing and avoiding blackheads.

If your skin is delicate or dry and prone to flaking:

  • Use a cleansing scrub or a dry brush to gently exfoliate your skin every day. Skin flakes can clog your pores and produce an environment conducive to the formation of blackheads.
  • A fragrance-free moisturizing cream will keep your skin nourished.
  • Drink enough water throughout the day to keep your skin healthy.
  • Every night, make sure to thoroughly cleanse your skin of excess makeup and cosmetics. Moisture can be improved by using a mild cleanser like micellar water or wipes with a cucumber base to remove makeup.

If your skin is oil-prone:

  • Applying a clay mask will help you look more matte by absorbing extra oils.
  • Incorporate salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide into your skincare routine. These substances have the ability to dissolve oil blockages before they clog your pores.
  • Make your own baking soda scrub if you want to absorb oils and clog your pores.
  • Apply a retinoid cream or serum to condition your skin. Be aware that this component can make your skin more prone to sun damage. So while going outside, always wear it with a light SPF.


Most people may get from a situation with removing a blackhead once in a while, but it's crucial not to make it a habit. If you have chronic blackheads, make an appointment with a dermatologist so that you may address them with more long-lasting treatment options.

Frequently Asked Questions - Popping Blackheads

Should you pop your blackheads?

Never squeeze or pop a blackhead. Popping a spot can make the inflammation worse and leave the skin with scars.

What happens when you pop a blackhead and it bleeds?

A blood-filled blackhead can be caused by injuring the blood vessels surrounding an existing pimple. This is common when you pop, squeeze, pick, or exfoliate a blackhead. Blood-filled pimples normally heal on their own provided further harm is avoided and the region is kept clean.

Do blackheads leave holes?

You've undoubtedly noticed holes in your skin after having blackheads on your face removed. These are just enlarged pores that will naturally heal.

What is the black part of a blackhead?

These big pores become clogged with a material known as sebum when you have blackheads. Under your skin, a chemical reaction with sebum happens. Melanin oxidizes, turning the clogged pores black.

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